The Gathering If Then Else LP - Gold Vinyl-

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23 feb 2023

Indie Only

Slightly Gold Vinyl

1-LP Holland


Gatefold Sleeve, Coloured Vinyl, Limited Edition, Indie Only

If Then Else is een album van Gathering, uitgebracht in 2023. If Then Else bevat o.a. de nummers: “Rollercoaster”, “Amity”, “Saturnine”, “Morphia's Waltz” en vele anderen. Het album betreft een Gatefold Sleeve, Coloured Vinyl, Limited Edition rock LP.

The album was recorded at the Koeienverhuurbedrijf Studio, Purmerend, and at S&K Studio, Doetinchem between January and March, 2000, under the band’s own guidance with Zlaya Hadzich as co-producer. The album was engineered by Zlaya Hadzich and Dick Kemper, mixed and mastered on Pro Tools by Attie Bauw at Bauwhaus Studio, Amsterdam in April 2000.

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